In part one of this post, we covered the nuances of designing and building a REST API. We also covered the basic implementation of a demo REST API for the IPMon service with Node.js. In this post, we will enhance the IPMon implementation by adding a few more components to it. These additions will make it more robust for real-world …
How to build a REST API with Node.js – Part 1
Since its inception in 2009, Node.js has grown leaps and bounds in popularity. In parallel, the community has also contributed libraries and third-party packages. By virtue of its ability to run server-side logic, Node.js enjoys a lot of adoption for implementing REST APIs. In this blog post, we show you how to build a REST API using …
How to use an E-mail API with JavaScript
Introduction This tutorial will show you how to use JavaScript to call an API to send e-mails. We will be using the Web API from SendGrid since it is free to send up to fifty (50) e-mails per day. We will be using Node on the command line for accessing the API with JavaScript, instead of the browser, to avoid any browser …
How to use the Instagram API with JavaScript
Introduction This tutorial will show you how to use the Instagram API with JavaScript. We will go step-by-step thru setting up and developing a new Nuxt.js app with Yarn. Then we will use Node.js on the command line to run a development server to render our user interface which will call the Instagram API with the push of a button. $ nuxt …
How to Build an App with Node.js & TypeScript
Introduction This tutorial will show you how to build an app with TypeScript. We will walk you step-by-step thru setting up, developing and running a web application that queries the Internet for current crypto-currency price data. We'll be using TypeScript in the React.js and Next.js frameworks. If you are new to TypeScript you may want to …
How to Create a Mobile App with NodeJS
What's a Mobile Backend? It does not take an expert to determine that the computing power of a server is most likely greater than the computing power of a mobile device. If an application has a heavy computational load than it becomes more efficient for the mobile device to send parameters to a backend server to do the heavy lifting and then …
How to use a Proxy API with Javascript
How to use a Proxy API with JavaScript One of the benefits to site owners for having an API is the reduction of bandwidth used by scripts. But sometimes a popular website will not provide an API to their public data. In this case, if you still need their public data you may want to download it from a script. But the same website which does not …
How to Use Instagram API with PHP (and Node.js)
EDITED TO ADD: Due to the COVID-19 situation, the original EOL (End of Life) for the "basic" level access to the Instagram API has been delayed to June 2020. "We understand these are challenging times for our developer community, so we are postponing disabling the Instagram Legacy API Platform by 90 days to June 29, 2020. Remaining endpoints on …
How to Display API Data Using Axios with React
What is Axios? Promise based HTTP client for the browser and node.js Axios is a JavaScript library for managing your code's ability to reach out to the web. It's common to use APIs to connect resources, exchange data, and access services. Browse the Best Free APIs List However, accessing resources on the web is not an instantaneous process. …
How to use an API with Node.js
What is a REST API? Let's break the term REST API down into its acronyms starting with 'API'. Many definitions exist for the different types of application programming interface's (APIs) but my favorite definition is; …an API provides interactions between one software and another, but not users. REST APIs serve the simple purpose of connecting …
How to use SMS API with NodeJS
SMS APIs Adding short message services (SMS) to an application, or platform, has become common for many organizations, but can still help to legitimize a service in the market. In short, SMS APIs are simply APIs that help programs send text messages. You have probably received text-messages from programs utilizing SMS technologies if you have …
How To Use the TripAdvisor API to Build a Simple Travel App
Let’s create an “Explore the World!” web app with TripAdvisor API. I’ll be showing you how to create the web app from ideation to implementation, and walking you through each step of the way with diagrams, explanations, and code samples. Let’s get started! Connect to the Tripadvisor API How to Build a Simple Travel App The idea behind the …
How To Create Your Own Weather Website
About a century ago, understanding and predicting the weather was all about guesswork, which most of the time turned to be untrue. However, today everyone can become an unmistakable oracle and access over 40000 weather stations via free, accurate, and advanced technologies. Today, you can build your website or app and search for any city by …
How to Build a Basic Geolocation Backend with Node/Express
Geolocation is the process of identifying the location of a device or person using digital information. Often, a website uses a Geolocation API to look up a user’s location by their IP address. This is useful for many things — particularly for apps that display localized search results (think Yelp for looking up restaurants near you, or Tinder for …
Build a Movie App with the IMDb API & React (Node.js)
Today we’ll learn how to build a simple web app that lets a user find and display information about their favorite movies using the RapidAPI IMDb Alternative. IMDb has a publicly accessible API, however, it is undocumented and difficult to use. The RapidAPI alternative - which is also free - provides an easier way to interface with the …