Realtor - Canadian Real Estate

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Property neighbourhood

Rapid account: Innovatesolutions 2020

Hi ,

I am not able to find api to list nearby schools, commute timing to key areas etc. i thought /properties/detail was meant for that, please advise does any of api provide that detail for canada MLS listings.


Rapid account: Innovatesolutions 2020
innovatesolutions2020 Commented vor 3 Jahren

Thank you for the response,

Rapid account: Apidojo
apidojo Commented vor 3 Jahren


For this Canadian Realtor API, there is no endpoint providing detail nearest schools information.
For US Realtor API at, there is endpoint ( returning nearest schools information for you.

Rapid account: Innovatesolutions 2020
innovatesolutions2020 Commented vor 3 Jahren

Thank you for the response, i checked the results of statistics, it is giving many details but not school details or is the school details avalable for some of the properties ? Does the feature exist currently for Canada Real Estate APIs? Also let me know is it avalable for US properties or there also not ?

Rapid account: Apidojo
apidojo Commented vor 3 Jahren


There is …/properties/get-statistics to load local statistics information. It is mapped to the Statistics tab in the detail page of a property. We keep working to release new endpoints for other sections in the future.


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