How to create a REST API using MongoDB In this article, we will create a MongoDB REST API. The data stored in the database will be proverbs. The sources will be from the book of that name as well as other well-known authors and thought leaders. The Proverbs API will pull a random proverb from the sources selected. There are six sources to …
how to
How To Use an API with ReactJS
Intro A client recently asked me, "Do you know how to use APIs with ReactJS?". Frankly, I hesitated when answering because I thought, "What do you mean by API?". There wasn't enough context for me to figure out what kind of Application Programming Interface (API) she was talking about, and you can learn more about the various types of …
How to Use an API with C# (C# REST API Example)
Introduction Developing never stays in one place. New technologies are increasingly emerging to implement better software solutions. If you want to create a multi-functional, clearly-described system now, you should pay attention to APIs. Today we will take a look at the API principles, specifically for RESTful APIs. We will also consider an …
How to Build a RESTful API in Ruby
Every major online service nowadays offers an API. Shorthand for Application Programming Interface, it provides developers programmatic access to the service. There are different types of APIs, but most boil down to RESTful, JSON APIs. If you're planning on building an app, adding an API should definitely be in your roadmap. In this article, …
How to Build an API in Python (with Django)
Today in this tutorial, we’re going to cover the following: How to start a project in Django. How to deliver JSON to a requester from our new API. How to deploy our new Django API to Heroku. How to include our new API in the RapidAPI marketplace. View the Best Python APIs List Start a Django project First, we’re going to create …
How to Build a RESTful API in PHP (with Laravel)
PHP has been the most popular web language in the present times by being simple to maintain, and quick to create feature-rich web applications. Websites that are dynamic, interactive, secure and efficient, need a powerful tool set to create and consume APIs. An efficient API is needed in our times in order to develop content that boosts …
How To Use IMDb API with Python To Power Your Movie Search App
If you are a movie buff, then you surely want to keep up with the upcoming movies, and their star cast. But if you are a movie trivia buff then you will need to get access to some online resources which has all the information about movies, their cast, crew, plots and other finer details. Googling for movies conjures up images of the IMDB …
How to Build a RESTful API in Node.js (with Express.js)
If you're in the tech industry, you probably already know you need to provide an easy way to discover and consume an API (Application Programming Interface). Ways to provide public data are quickly evolving, and you need to offer data in a simple and powerful API. Node.js is a JavaScript runtime built on Chrome's V8 JavaScript engine and is …
How To Build a Weather App in JavaScript (Node.js) Using the OpenWeatherMap API
The first official weather forecast ever appeared on the first of August 1861. The legendary vice-admiral Robert Fitzroy, a royal-navy officer and pioneer in meteorology, was collecting data for his Meteorological Office from 15 land stations across England. Nowadays, there are over 40000 stations across our planet, accessible via free, affordable, …
How To Use an API with Ruby on Rails (Beginner’s Guide)
On August 15, Ruby on Rails released its version 6, making even more features available to developers. The 13-year-old framework gives you a plethora of tools out of the box, which allows building complete applications in a very short time. With adapters for almost all database systems available, you don't need much else. If, however, you need to …
How to Send SMS Messages with PHP (using Nexmo or Twilio)
Quick Links Jump to: How to Send SMS with Nexmo How to Send SMS with Twilio How to Integrate SMS API in PHP When someone mentions SMS services, people tend to imagine a system of quick-messages transmission for communication between people. But in the modern world, SMS services provide high functionality useful for various tasks. Let's …
How to Build an API in Python (with Flask & RapidAPI)
If you are reading this article, you are probably familiar with the possibilities that open up when you use an API (Application Programming Interface). By using one of the many public APIs out there, you can expand the functionality of your application or enrich it with the necessary data. But what if you have created your own unique …
How to Use an API with PHP (Complete Beginner’s Guide)
PHP gained fame as easy to learn and at the same time quite powerful programming language. Throughout its history, it went through several periods of ups and downs, but with the release of the seventh version, PHP confidently returns lost positions and firmly holds the title of one of the most popular languages for web development. An important …
How to Use the Cricket Live Scores API
What is the Cricket Live Scores API? The Cricket Live Scores API provides information on various amounts of cricket data including matches, partnerships, players, scorecards, series, teams, commentary and much more. The API gathers information from the following match's scores: ODI, T20, Test, BBL, IPL, and World Cup. Cricket Live Scores is …
How To Use an API with JavaScript (The Complete Beginner’s Guide)
The modern web development world is impossible to imagine without JavaScript. Over the years of its growth, this language has gone from a small add-on to a multifunctional and powerful tool. Today JavaScript successfully helps developers with both frontend and backend work. Often the application functionality is mainly related to interaction with …